France assumed the Presidency of the CCNR – Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine, for a two-year term with effect from 1 January 2022.

The office of President is held by Mr François Alabrune, Director of legal affairs at the Ministry of European and Foreign Affairs and head of the French delegation to the CCNR. The Vice Presidency of the CCNR is assumed by the Netherlands and the office of Vice President has been entrusted to Mrs Brigit Gijsbers, Director of maritime affairs at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management and head of the Dutch delegation to the CCNR.

What are the main goal and priorities?

The new Presidency’s priorities were presented at the CCNR’s last plenary session in December 2021. They encompass the following themes:
– Enhanced cooperation with the European Union 
– Energy transition of inland navigation 
– Digitalisation of inland navigation
– Improvement of moorings on the Upper Rhine

Read a full press-release – click HERE!

Source: CCNR