Our Secretary of the Nautical and Technical Committee, Ms Lijdia Pater – de Groot, prepared a lengthy debrief from a recent meeting of the Working Group on Technical requirements (CESNI-PT) that took place on 22 and 23 February 2022. It is our mission to be proactively involved in the creation and changes of the technical regulations for inland vessels.

Topics’ selection:

  1. Low flashpoint fuels and fuel cells (Chapter 30 and Annex 8)
  2. Results from the in-depth study on organisational human factors aspects in relation to accidents in inland navigation
  3. Engines from previous phases that have already been put onto the market (Articles 9.01 and 9.10)
  4. Retractable wheelhouses (Article 7.14)
  5. Passenger vessels (Chapter 19)
You can view here the full document!

For any questions, please contact Ms Lijdia Pater-de Groot: l.pater@binnenvaart.nl 
Nautical & Technical Committee