Trans-European transport network (TEN-T) is crucial EU policy on transport infrastructure that aims to facilitate transport across Europe and reduce regional, economic and social disparities. Inland waterways, along railways, maritime and air transport, roads and rail-road terminals, are part of it! Target audience of the consultation include inland waterway organisations but also managers, passengers and private users.

The TEN-T policy is governed by Regulation (EU) 1315/2013, which sets Guidelines for:

  • national and EU investment in transport infrastructure
  • targeted funding under the Connecting Europe Facility and other relevant EU schemes.

The Guidelines set the framework for transport infrastructure development until 2030 (core network) and 2050 (comprehensive network), so it will have long-term implications!

In February 2021, the Commission has started a revision process of these Guidelines. The Open Public Consultation will last until the 5th of May and is accessible online, here! You can express your views before the Commission finalises its proposals.

Thinking about TEN-T success stories regarding inland waterways in particular, we can mention for example a project FAIRway Danube. The project involves Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Croatia and Bulgaria, aiming to ensure cooperation among the waterway administrations and facilitate sharing of best practices to successfully implement works projects. The action FAST Danube located along the Romanian-Bulgarian Danube common section intends to develop an integrated concept to ensure a good navigation status and identify the capital dredging works in the Romanian-Bulgarian common section. Also, the upgrade of the Gabčíkovo locks is the large-scale first infrastructure Action (financed through CEF) and covers the replacement/reconstruction of several infrastructure components of the locks to increase safety and reliability of navigation, removing an important bottleneck in the Slovak section of the Danube. All in all, there is a clear added value of those projects to the sector!


European Commission