On January 25, 2023, a webinar titled “Proven alternative financing options for solution providers and buyers of first-of-a-kind sustainable transport solutions” took place. The ENTRANCE initiative served as the framework for organizing the webinar. The webinar’s objective was to persuade potential customers and solution providers to try out new ways to obtain funding and financing by demonstrating the viability and accessibility of alternative finance options.

A representative of CrowdFundigHub gave a basic overview of the variety of alternative finance options that are now accessible before a seasoned VC from SET Ventures provided some insightful comments:
• Do your research and only contact VCs who have a mandate to invest in the kind of company you are starting. You will save a lot of time by doing this.

• VCs are aware of the risks: The best way to deal with them is to hire important personnel for your team.

• A normal VC fund will last between 10 and 12 years. The investors will then need to receive their money back. There will be more pressure to quit quickly if they invest later.


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