Social partners of the Inland Waterway Transport sector meet on a regular basis within the framework of the Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee (SSDC). At those meetings, the partners – including IWT Platform’s Secretaries from the Social & Education Committee – have productive and vivid discussions that focus on finding a common ground for the benefit of the entire IWT sector.
At the latest meeting, earlier in January 2022, the newest Work Programme for 2022-2023 has been just presented – click HERE to see it!
The Work Programme is a reflection of major topics and challenges that social partners would like to discuss at the European level during the upcoming months and years. Consultation with DG Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE) and DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL) will also play an important role in this process.
Important points, such as manning regulation, professional qualifications, automation, current Platina 3 project (Platform for the implementation of a future inland navigation action programme) and fitness-check did get a place in this Work Programme. International agreements and their conclusions play an essential role for the entire IWT sector since not only it operates in an international settings, but the place of work is literally moving throughout all of Europe. International regulations and agreements make such free movement of ships, crew and cargo possible and effective.
The last two years with the serious implications of Covid-19 pandemic made the social partners realize even more the importance of collaborating closely together with the same objectives in mind.
Ingrid Bloom
Social and Education Committee