The 42nd Session of the UNECE ADN Safety Committee held on 21-25 August 2023, brought together representatives of the Ministries of the ADN Contracting States as well as of IWT (EBU/ESO), the classification societies, safety experts and representatives of chemical and oil industry associations (f.e. Cefic) to discuss developments in the field of safety and sustainability. Here are the key proposals and discussions that underline the industry’s commitment to sustainable practices.
Alternative fuels/propulsion systems
In an initial safety discussion, the focus was on the compatibility of alternative fuels with the dangerous cargo transported aboard these vessels. It was determined that insufficient information currently exists regarding this critical interaction. Subsequently, an in-depth dialogue was conducted with shipbuilders. The Safety Committee expresses optimism that as these inquiries are addressed in the interim period, a report to the ADN Administrative Committee during its upcoming January 2024 session will be favourable. This report is anticipated to facilitate the desired recommendations for the safe operation of these ships.
Enhancing opening safety of tank openings
In August 2022, a proposal regarding the safe opening of cargo tank openings was presented by the German delegation, supported by the German Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport and an expert sub-group from inland shipping. The proposal aimed to amend a chapter of the ADN that no longer meets practical requirements. Encouragingly, consensus was reached among the participating delegations, recognizing the necessity for adjustments to align with current practical requirements. A final decision is expected in January 2024, and if approved, the changes will be incorporated into the ADN 2025 version.
Sustainable Development Goals
The 42nd session of the UNECE ADN Safety Committee also recognised the importance of aligning inland navigation with the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. As the industry works to adopt sustainable fuel alternatives, improve safety measures and minimise environmental impacts, it is actively contributing to several SDGs, including those related to clean energy, responsible consumption and production, and industrial innovation.