Nothing stands in the way of validity of a next edition of the dangerous goods regulations for inland navigation, the ADN, which is planned for 1st of January 2021. Under normal circumstances, the UNECE ADN Security Committee gathers each year in January and August in Geneva.
EU-IWT Platform is well represented and, together with other participants, works on:
(i) ensuring a high level of safety of international carriage of dangerous goods by inland waterways;
(ii) contributing effectively to the protection of the environment by preventing any pollution resulting from accidents or incidents during such carriage;
(iii) contributing effectively to the protection and healthiness for the people working on board; and
(iv) facilitating transport operations and promoting international trade in dangerous goods.
The main changes in content for the next edition of the ADN were already decided at the meeting 11 months in advance – as is the practice every two years.
From the Platform’s perspective these main changes are more legal certainty built into the regulation plus closing gaps, unreadable regulations were made understandable and are now better structured. Undoubtedly these accomplishments lead, in practice, to higher degree of compliancy and to increased safety for the crews.