On 1 January 2022, two new CDNI – the Convention on the collection, deposit and reception of waste produced during navigation on the Rhine and inland waterways – resolutions came into force. A communication from the CDNI Secretariat is available in three official languages of the CDNI: French, German and Dutch – click HERE to view it! The English version of the documents is available as well, however those are unofficial versions. Amendments occurring between two editions of the Convention are documented by updating sheets.
Resolution CDNI 2021-I-6
Extension of the ban on the discharge of domestic waste water to passenger ships with more than 12 passengers and cabin vessels with more than 12 berths.
The first decision CDNI 2021-I-6 amends Articles 8.02 (‘Obligations incumbent on the Contracting States’) and 9.01 (‘Prohibition of dumping and discharging’) of the CDNI Convention to take into account passenger ships with more than 12 passengers and cabin ships with more than 12 sleeping berths. Previously, the discharge ban only applied to ships with more than 50 passengers and cabin ships with more than 50 sleeping berths. The purpose of the discharge ban is to improve water protection. Accordingly, the ban on the disposal of domestic waste water into the waterways is now extended to passenger ships with more than 12 passengers and cabin ships with more than 12 berths.
The ban on disposal will apply from 1 January 2025. Until then, the Contracting States must also ensure the establishment of reception facilities at berths (Article 8.02 paragraph 3).
The above-mentioned amendment was necessary since the CDNI Convention on handling of domestic waste water was not in line with the provisions and objectives of the European law – CESNI (the European Committee for the Elaboration of Standards in Inland Navigation) Standard ES-TRIN. Due to the harmonisation with the transitional provisions of the Rhine Vessel Inspection Regulations (RVIR) and Directive (EU) 2016/16291, the CDNI refers to these provisions in Article 9.01 paragraph 4. Thus, legal conformity of the CDNI with the Rhine and European provisions in the field of technical in the area of technical regulations is guaranteed.
Resolution CDNI 2021-I-7
International harmonisation for domestic waste and a standardisation of the pictograms.
The second decision CDNI 2021-I-7 deals with international harmonisation for domestic refuse and standardisation of pictograms. Article 9.03 (‘Collection and treatment on board; deposit at reception stations’) is being amended by a new paragraph 5, stating: ‘The collected waste referred to in paragraph 1 is to be stored on board in appropriate collection receptacles displaying the relevant symbols.’
Also, the guidelines for the storage of segregated waste on board and the corresponding labelling by pictograms are being introduced. Part C waste, including domestic refuse, is to be separated on board in separate waste bins which are to be labelled with pictograms. It is important to note that the use of the pictograms from the guidelines is not mandatory. The pictograms used up to now may continue to be used. In this respect, the resolution is not clearly formulated hence we have asked the CDNI Secretariat to clarify this issue. The CDNI Secretariat is advised to include a clarification in its next newsletter. At the upcoming CDNI/G meeting in March 2022, it will be discussed whether a possible purchase of the pictograms/stickers directly from the CDNI Secretariat will be doable. An advice from the inland navigation industry regarding this need would be helpful to make a decision.
The guidelines adopted explain how the waste collection should look like on board and which pictograms can be used for this purpose. The pictograms can be used to indicate suitable waste containers on board the ship. These collection containers must have a sticker or printout indicating which type of waste belongs in which container. In Annex 2 to Decision CDNI 2021-I-7, you will find the guidelines and the corresponding identification by pictograms:
- German language – click HERE!
- French language – click HERE!
- Dutch language – click HERE!
All resolutions and the annexes can also be found on the CDNI website: link HERE!
The Secretariat has updated the Convention published on the CDNI website and provided editable sheets in A5 format to update the paper copies.
- English version – unofficial version: click HERE!
- French version – official version: click HERE!
- German version – official version: click HERE!
- Dutch version – official version: click HERE!
Elena Siebrecht
Environmental & Safety Committee