Since the launch of IWT Platform on 21/01/2019 – during which Director General of DG MOVE gave an inspiring speech – the IWT platform did not sit still. Indeed, we had regular meetings with the policymakers in DG MOVE, discussing social, environmental, technological and other matters. We actively participated in meetings organised by ALICE and WATERBORNE, driving further research and innovation. And we made clear to the European Commission that we want to be at the forefront in the Digital Transport and Logistics Forum (DTLF): a forum that aims to digitalise all B2B and B2A communication across the whole transport chain.
At the same time, we have contributed – and still are – to organisation of the upcoming event on 16 October, under the Finnish Presidency, to show the innovation in our sector in the Port of Brussel. We are working on a joint IWT & ports sector narrative that will be published soon. Both initiatives are aiming at convincing the ‘newcomers’ in the Commission and the Parliament about the potential of Inland Waterway shipping. Outside Brussels, IWT took the stage on many different occasions with a positive feedback.
In between, but not with the highest priority, work was done to create this website. Though it is still work in progress, it was decided to ‘go live’ . You will be able to discover IWT Platform’s origin and structure, its objectives, its team and a lot more. It’s the ambition to report through the website about the work done by the respective Committees and to inform relevant stakeholders on what the Platform considers as the most important matters.
That, and much more, has happened since the IWT Platform’s launch. Also, although not fully operational, a lot was already done during 2018.
What was done, how and by whom it was done; together with what we aim for in 2019 can be read in the annual report.
Enjoy reading!