On October 4-5, 2022, PLANET’s 4th General Assembly convened in a hybrid style. Over 45 people participated in this seminar, which was held at the Lukasiewicz Research Network – Pozna Institute of Technology. It lasted for two days. The first day of the conference was devoted to discussing the cloud deployment of EGTN logistics services, which was followed by an interactive session designed to facilitate the Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis (MAMCA) by identifying and prioritizing key stakeholders in the “International Corridor,” “Hubs/Warehouse and Hinterland Transport,” and “Last Mile Delivery” areas along with their respective criteria.

The following sessions offered updates on “Integration and Interoperability of proprietary Blockchain Systems,” “EGTN smart contracts and accompanying PI motivated workflows,” and a visual breakdown of the created “Unified Human Machine Interface.” A technical workshop specifically designed to further investigate the EGTN services’ interoperability based on the workflows outlined in the project’s business scenarios finished day one. The second day began with a simulation-based examination of the effects of new trade routes on the TEN-T and economically underdeveloped areas, as well as the influence of ICT innovation technologies and how EU legislation and policy might hasten and strengthen EGTN’s impact. The second portion of the day began with a discussion of the GS1 standards and their importance, followed by two workshops aimed at validating the structure of briefing sheets, policy manuals, and case studies and developing a roadmap for PI.


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