The 3rd  PLATINA3 Stage Event – the Brussels sessions – took place online on 10-11 of February 2022.
The IWT community was invited to join the event for the following themes:

  • Inland waterway transport preparing to adapt to a changing climate
  • Modal shift and decarbonisation
  • Towards an EU emission label and energy index for vessels
  • The regulatory pathway towards a zero-emission fleet

All presentations and the video recordings are now available online:

You can either download them individually or in one compressed ZIP-file.

To open the presentation by Mr. Blank please use the password ”k57J!rYFKj8huADJ”.

We would like to invite you to give us feedback on the sessions via the evaluation form!

This can be found here:

Last but not least, the Platina3 project team will be happy to meet you again at the 4th Stage Event – the Strasbourg sessions – on 7-8 of June 2022! Save-the-date!

IWT Platform
on behalf of the PLATINA3 Team