As the calendar turns to a new year, the European political stage witnesses a changing of the guard, with Belgium now at the helm of the Council of the European Union (EU). Operating under the theme “Protect, Strengthen, and Prepare,” Belgium’s Presidency will in effect from January 1 to June 30.
Belgium’s Presidency’s focus on Transport : safer, greener, smarter, more social
Under Belgium’s current presidency, the programme is dedicated to addressing some of Europe’s most pressing transport challenges. This includes navigating the complexities of the green and digital transition, reinforcing energy security, and paving the way towards a zero-carbon economy. A significant aspect of this agenda is the EU’s commitment to moving away from reliance on fossil fuels. Through this program, Belgium aims to lead and steer European transport policy towards a more sustainable, efficient, and future-oriented direction, aligning with broader environmental and economic goals.
Inland waterway transport (IWT): navigating the future.
Recognizing the prominent role of IWT, the Belgian presidency has thrust this mode of transport into the spotlight. Positioned as a priority within the broader transportat agenda, Belgium has committed to steering the forthcoming proposal on River Information Services (RIS) for inland waterways.
Belgium also committed to advancing files crucial to facilitating sustainable and competitive transport practices i.e . the Greening Freight Transport Package, with a focus on initiatives targeting the promotion of the modal shift, intermodal connectivity,the reduction of air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
Moreover, on 23 and 24 April 2024 the Flemish Government, will organise an event around sustainable freight transport which shall discuss ongoing initiatives regarding sustainable transport.
The European IWT Platform will closely monitor and facilitate collaborative efforts for IWT – related files and events during the Belgian Presidency
You can consult the Belgian Presidency programme here.

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