The CCNR may take a formal decision during the autumn plenary meeting on an increase of the maximum speed above the high-water level I on the Rhine in the Gebirge area.

In response to the letter from the inland navigation industry from 2018, the German delegation commissioned the “Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau” (Federal Institute of Hydraulic Engineering) to investigate the consequences of the speed increase for larger vessels in the mountainous section between Bingen and St Goar above the high-water level I. The impact on navigation safety and aftermath for the banks have been examined.

The conclusions of the expertise underline that the current speed limit of 20 km/h reduces the manoeuvring capacities of a vessel. The speed increase will improve safety and smoothness of navigation without additional burden on the banks.

For Article 10.01(1)(d), the German delegation proposes a new wording mentioning the exception of the maximum speed of 24 km/h in the mountain section between Bingen and St. Goar.

This proposal fully complies with the request of the EBU and the ESO.

Formal decision-making by the CCNR might take place during the autumn plenary meeting.