On October 13, 2022, in Strasbourg, the European Committee for the Development of Standards in the Field of Inland Navigation (CESNI) met (France). The meeting was chaired over by Belgium’s Mrs. Marleen Coenen. The CESNI approved updated versions of the standards for river information services (ES-RIS) and technical requirements for ships (ES-TRIN), as well as instructions for setting up inland AIS stations.
Adoption of a standard relating to vessel technical specifications
The ES-TRIN 2023/1 European standard outlining technical specifications for inland navigation vessels was approved by the Committee. The 2021 edition of the standard is to be replaced by this new edition, which includes significant revisions to:
- low flashpoint fuels and fuel cells,
- life jackets,
- exhaust gas after-treatment systems,
- waste water collection,
- permanently installed fire-fighting systems for protecting objects,
- passenger vessels
The full list can be found on the official website of CESNI
On January 1, 2024, ES-TRIN 2023/1 will become operative under the laws of the European Union and the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR) (EU).
Adoption of information technology-related standards and norms
The meeting served as the venue for the adoption of the ES-RIS 2023/1, the second edition of the European standard for river information services.
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