As informed earlier in June 2021 (click HERE! to read that news item), the European Commission and the Waterborne Technology Platform signed a Memorandum of Understand (MoU) for a Co-Programmed Partnership on Zero-Emission Waterborne Transport under the framework of Horizon Europe. The ceremony was part of the European Research and Innovation Days.
The Partnership brings together the majority of the European waterborne transport sector, among others the European maritime technology and container transport, the inland navigation, excellent research and academia, cluster organisations as well as associations representing the broader waterborne transport sector. The IWT Platform welcomed the Partnership with its commitment to Zero Emissions by 2050, as an opportunity to transform the sector for the benefit of future users and future generations.
The signed version of the MoU regarding the Co-Programmed Partnership has just been published online, and is available via the following link: CLICK HERE!
You can also read here the Partnership proposal of May 202o.